The Early Years
This local business of nearly 50 years started from what was just a hobby in the early ‘70s. For years, Maynard Gelfand enjoyed refinishing wooden treasures for his friends and neighbors. Originally, it was a small, personal pastime he maintained from his basement workshop in the family home until he had a space all his own – a tiny rented storefront.
More Than A Pastime
After dinner in the evenings, his son Dan loved to accompany him to his woodshop. He began learning the craft little by little from as young as 10 years old. As Dan’s knowledge of woodworking grew, so did the operation itself. It soon became a flourishing business.
Dan went on to work in the shop during junior high, high school, and even a bit during college. Board by board, project by project, satisfied customer by satisfied customer, DG Woodcare grew. Eventually, Dan took over the business in its entirety.
DG Woodcare Today
As DG Woodcare developed, its work shifted to primarily provide wood restoration to area businesses. Still made up of a small group of dedicated individuals, they regularly do woodcare restoration and maintenance for clients across many industries, such as hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, apartment complexes, hotels, corporate offices, schools, and more.